Knowledge About Continent AFRICA


  • It is the second largest continent.
  • It is also called Dark Continent as for long time not much was known about this continent due to its difficult inhabitable terrain.
  • It is the home of the Nile ,the longest river in the world.
  • It is also the home of the Sahara, the largest desert in the world.
  • In the Sahara desert,the Tree of Tenere was the only tree around for 250 miles , until in 1973 ,a truck driver crashed into it and uprooted it.
  • The equator passes through the middle of Africa continent ,so it receives direct sunlight throughout the year. So it has hot climate throughout the year. World’s hottest place Ethiopia is also in Africa continent.
  • Africa is very rich in minerals.Ninety five percent of the worlds’s diamonds and more than 50% of the world’s gold comes from Africa.
  • Africa is said to be the place where 1st humans lived.
  • 66% of world’s chocolate comes from Africa.
  • Africa is considered to be the place where the first human lived and learned to use tools.
  • Major Animals of Africa-Elephant, Addax ,Lion,Cheetah,Zebra,Giraffe,Egyptian mongooses .

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